FREE Image Sources

  • Gratisography
  • The Gratisography site offers pictures under the same terms as Creative Commons Zero. Users can not use any images for pornographic, criminal, defamatory or degrading purposes. Images can not be redistributed or sold on free stock photography websites or apps. You may not sell or redistribute photos implying that you are the photographer. However, you may use photos to freely create artwork for personal and commercial projects without any strings attached. There are no required attributions.

  • Pexels
  • All photos on Pexels are licensed under the Creative Commons Zero(CC0) license. Pictures can be used for any legal purpose; free for personal and commercial use. You may modify, copy, and distribute the photos; all without permission and linking to the source. Photography used to portray any identifiable individual in a bad light, or in an offensive manner unless consent is given, is restricted.

  • Stocksy
  • Stocksy offers a royalty-free collection. You have the option to purchase the license to any image for personal or client-based projects. A Market Freeze license, which removes the image from the collection for a period of time is also available for purchase. As with many other stock photography sites, images are not to be used for pornographic, criminal, or degrading purposes.

    Type Trends

    ChipotleChipotle uses the "slab serif" typeface to draw epmhasis to the important elements of its site. The brand is famous for its consistent and reliable style of Mexican cuisine, and this consistency is carried through to the design of its promotional materials.

    David's BridalDavid's Bridal use of mixed typefaces along with scripted type appropriately conveys the message of a formal environment tailored to the lifestyles multiple brides. It mimics the inventory of various styles of formal wear from prom to bridal garments.


    A persona is a tool designers use to layout and execute realistic design goals for multiple projects. Personas help to zero in on the needs and concerns of the consumers that may potentially develop an interest in your product.

    Facebook,social media site used as a means to reconnect with distant relatives and friends, more popularly being used as a way to advertise products and services.

    Leon Leon, a native of Brooklyn, NY, comes from a family of artist; anywhere from a painter to dance. Leon has gone to the arts as an outlet to spread peace and love. He most recently began giving back to his community, serving at the Window Studio Gallery in Bedford Stuyvesant, teaching all ages about the arts. He has also started a few new projects including his third mural.

    Keep your eyes peeled for buzz worthy pieces!

    Leon's Goals for Social Media Usage:

    Concerns with Social Media:



    This grid operates on five columns, with a shallow navigation, main navigation, sub navigation, main body copy and footer.

    Pattern Library


    Animated Gif


    Dots will be used to similate the loading process on the home page.

    Responsive/Mobile Designs

    The most important elements to keep in mind when designing for responsive and mobile design projects:

    Spring Break


    I didn't have the luxury of enjoying a spring break this year. My entire break was dedicated to work, and the moments that I did have to myself...well they were dedicated to sleep. BUT, I will make up for the lack of a spring break during my summer break. YAAAAAY!! ( I promise!!)


    Content Management Systems

    Small Sites